Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Ship of Fools [in control]: Diagnosis of a Social Unease

The unease of the citizenry about the “conditions” in the U.S. strongly comes through in every poll. The malaise is usually expressed in economic terms – lack of jobs, underwater mortgages, unaffordable insurance – but it transcends economics. It is a broader and deeper despair about what has gone before and what looms on the horizon. I wrote about the sentiment which Cormack McCarthy had touched upon in No Country for Old Men.

In the concluding part of the series we arrived at infantilism, a condition where grown men and women speak – because they think – like children.

Socially, being a child is defined by the absence of experience, more specifically, the absence of the opportunity to come into contact with the real world. So a toddler who has never seen a tiger will approach the beast without fear, as nothing in his mind associates a tiger with danger.

A developmentally retarded adult who has seen tigers before will also approach the beast without fear but only because he does not understand the danger. In this case, it is the inability to conceptualize and thus, comprehend the already experienced, that amounts to the absence of experience.

There is a difference between the two which language captures and coveys. One is innocence. The other, to use a very common word in the U.S., is stupidity. Innocent children; stupid adults: that’s how we frame our references.

All this by way of saying that when I say Nicholas Sambanis is a stupid man I am not hurling insults at him. All I am saying is that he is incapable of comprehending the world. See what he wrote this past Sunday in the New York Times about the EU crisis, beginning with an explanation of its causes:
There are many reasons behind the crisis, from corruption and collective irresponsibility in Greece to European institutional rigidities … But this is not just a story about profligate spending and rigid monetary policy… It is an escalating identity conflict – and ethnic conflict.
Greeks are corrupt. They are collectively irresponsible. Profligate spenders, too, especially when it is other people’s money, as we all know. Europeans institutions are rigid.

After this display of stupidity, he gets into the history:
The European Union was a political concept, designed to tame a bellicose Germany … Elites could sell that concept to their publics as long as Europe prospered and had high international status.
Vulgarity, thy name is Sambanis! Even reading this crap is embarrassing, an adult saying something like “international status of Europe”.

Nasser dissected the EU crisis in a 6-part series last year. Read it for an adult perspective. See how intelligently he defines Europe there.

Then note Sambani’s reference to the “elites”. It is telling. Who are the elites? What is he talking about?

Nasser explained that the EU was created in response to capital's falling rate of profit. To reverse the unacceptable fall, there had to be an EU through which labor costs would be reduced; that was the only way under the circumstances to raise the rate of profit. That the European people opposed the “initiative” – because however dimly, they understood it – mattered not a bit. In a democratic process, capital rules and overrules people, as we repeatedly saw.

Sambanis would not know that. But he has noticed that the idea of the EU came from high places; German butchers, Italian tailors and French bakers could not have conceived it, much less rammed it through the various governmental and legislatives labyrinths. So, who could have done it? The only answer he can imagine is “elites”. The “elites” did it.

We continue.
As Europe’s status declines, the already shaky European identity will weaken further … The result is a vicious circle: as ethnic identities return, ethnic differences become more pronounced, and all sides fall back on stereotypes and the stigmatization of the adversary through language or actions intended to dehumanize, thereby justifying hostile actions.
He is concerned that corrupt and irresponsible Greeks will stereotype bellicose Germans and vice versa and the ground will be set for hostilities.

Is there no hope, then? Happily, there is.
Germans must have a frank public discussion about what it means to be European, how good European citizens should behave toward other Europeans and why a strong Europe is good for German interests… Without such a discussion, and real concessions to Greece, a Greek exit is inevitable — and with it the triumph of parochialism in Europe.
Albert, Herbert, Heinz, Willy! Call up your friends and siblings and let's all sit down and talk about what it means to be good European citizens. Why? Because the fool across the Atlantic says so.

Alice in Wonderland characters would shake their heads in disbelief.

But the writer of this drivel is in earnest. He cannot not be earnest, being a “professor of political science and the director of Program in Ethics, Politics and Economics at Yale”. In that capacity, he trains the next generation of American leaders in the New Haven morgue.

His position also makes him a member of the establishment and the intellectual elite in the U.S. Together with the Rachmans, Friedmans and Krugmans, he influences and, at times shapes, the policies of the United States in Europe, the Middle East and South Pacific.


Of course, the drivel is not neutral. It is constructed in support of a certain worldview which supports certain conduct. But it is drivel nonetheless and must bend to the realities of the world.

The populace dimly recognizes that fact. The realization is dim, hence its vagueness. But it is realization nonetheless, hence the unease.

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